Joanna Cirilla
Joanna is a certified personal trainer and registered nurse. She received a bachelor's degree in the science of Nursing from St. John Fisher College. Joanna is also a professional bikini competitor. She trains a variety of clients but her favorites include, the elderly, adolescents, developmentally disabled clients and clients recovering from injuries. She also trains individuals for bodybuilding competitions. Joanna has always had a passion for fitness and helping others. Her hobbies include reading, practicing yoga and writing. Joanna just competed in Philadelphia and won the overall title in the figure division. She will be headed to Miami Florida in July to compete at the PRO level.
Joe Christiano
Joe is a certified personal trainer with 25 years experience. He has prepared hundreds of athletes for physique competitions. Joe has a pro card in Bodybuilding, and has been competing since 1993. Joe trains a wide variety of clients, not only competitors. He enjoys spending time with his son and his wife. (see above)